從牛津布魯克斯大學獲得房地產管理理學榮譽學士學位後,威廉佩奇在該領域擔任專家近 20 年。 William 常駐迪拜,曾為主要行業參與者工作,現在是 IP Global 的財富管理總監,為客戶提供住宅物業投資建議。 William 負責海灣合作委員會的工作,對低風險的歐洲市場擁有豐富的知識。
Adam 在房地產行業擁有超過 25 年的職業生涯。 他曾在歐洲、非洲、亞洲、澳大利亞和美國生活和工作過,他對房地產投資的了解確實是全球性的。 作為英國銷售總監,在 IP Global 工作 7 年後,Adam 現在負責我們的英國銷售業務。
Andrew 擁有 18 年的房地產投資經驗,曾為英國客戶提供 7 年的諮詢服務。 自 2009 年以來,安德魯一直在肯尼亞為客戶就開發房地產投資組合的無偏見、整體方法提供建議。 他的核心優勢在於對微觀和宏觀經濟層面的房地產市場有基本的了解。 作為 IP Global 的肯尼亞負責人,Andrew 專門為投資者提供有關戰略房地產投資、國際抵押貸款和建立有利可圖的房地產投資組合的建議。
David 在全球房地產市場擁有超過 10 年的工作經驗,為客戶提供可實現回報最大化的投資機會建議。 他於 2013 年加入 IP Global,支持投資者執行約 1.5億美元的房地產交易。
As Head of Sales in China, Joe is among the pioneers in the industry and has an in-depth understanding of the global property market. Over the past 12 years, Joe has provided quality services for high-net-worth clients in China and helped many of them build overseas property investment portfolios.
Grant 在支持客戶建立和最大化其投資組合方面擁有超過 18 年的經驗。 他於 2006 年加入 IP Global,自那時起為價值超過 2.5 億美元的全球房地產投資交易提供諮詢。
Jonathan Gordon 在美國、歐洲和亞太市場的房地產投資方面擁有 20 多年的經驗。 在 IP Global 內部,喬納森已將自己確立為區域分銷戰略的重要組成部分,並在開拓 IP Global 現在擁有永久運營業務的市場方面發揮了重要作用。 作為該地區房地產投資會議的定期演講者,喬納森還參與了 IP Global 的項目採購和私募股權產品的開發,因為業務在全球範圍內擴展。
Jeremy 於 2013 年加入 IP Global,建立了 IP Global 的阿布扎比辦事處,現在為我們全球的合作夥伴和客戶提供建議。 Jeremy 對國際房地產市場和建立房地產投資組合的技術有深入的了解。 他的專長包括房地產諮詢、客戶風險分析和市場研究。 他現在是 IP Global 虛擬活動的定期演講者,他的寶貴見解吸引了來自世界各地的客戶。
Russell 在房地產投資方面擁有 25 年的豐富經驗,最初在倫敦擔任特許測量師,然後在西班牙擔任國際房地產公司董事多年。 近年來,他為個人的投資組合和海外房地產投資提供建議,以實現他們的財務目標,居住在德國、墨西哥和香港。 羅素也是一名合格的財務顧問。
Charles worked in Prime Central London for almost 20 years and has an excellent track record for diligent client management and exceptional service. He has experience with buyers from all over the world and a reputation for handling the sales and rentals of some of the most inspiring houses and apartments in London’s most prestigious and valuable postcodes. Charles is a seasoned real estate professional with experience at top firms like Savills, Knight Frank, and JLL, covering lettings, sales, residential development, and investment properties. He is now based in Hong Kong and specialises in international investment property, assisting clients to grow their wealth through intelligent property investment.
Tom 是一名合格的財務顧問,擁有超過 25 年為高淨值人士提供投資建議的經驗。 Tom 曾擔任 Savills Private Finance 的董事,專門為在倫敦和英國其他主要城市購買商業和住宅物業的國際客戶提供結構性和開發性融資。 Tom 在 IP Global 的財富管理團隊工作了 4 年多,是我們南非客戶的直接聯繫者。
Harjinder is a UK-based Senior Consultant at IP Global and has over 11 years of property investment experience. In the first four years, Harjinder was advising clients predominantly from Europe, Russia, and the Middle East on real estate assets across 18 countries. Since 2016, he has been working with clients worldwide on property investments which are predominately in the UK and Europe. Due to his global experience and knowledge, Harjinder focuses on providing clients worldwide with calculated advice to build lucrative property portfolios.
Ben has over 18 years’ experience in the property and investment sectors assisting clients from across the globe build their investment portfolios. Having worked in UK, Asia and UAE, he is a highly knowledgeable professional with extensive property investment experience. Ben is consultative in his approach, focused on building strong, long term relationships through gaining a thorough understanding of client needs and long term goals and matching these with the right investment opportunity.
Oliver has 16 years’ experience within the property sector. Initially starting out in the Central London Residential markets, he moved over to investment sales in 2013. Assisting clients from all corners of the globe, Oliver's strengths lie in providing clients with research led advice that enables them to make informed buying decisions. His primary aim is to work with clients to develop a profitable portfolio that delivers consistent and predictable income over the long term.